BULBFLOWERS: KEUKENHOF AND MY OWN GARDEN April 1, 2016April 1, 2016admin Comment Wat een bloemenpracht heb ik dit voorjaar al gezien! Niet alleen in onze eigen tuin, maar ook in de grootste bloembollentuin van Europa:
Aanslagen in Brussel 22-3-2016 March 24, 2016March 24, 2016admin Comment Again Europe is shot in her heart by terror attacks. This time in Brussels. I feel so powerless. I wrote this song for
RED is the colour you cannot miss! March 20, 2016April 1, 2016admin Comment My second song I wrote about colours: RED. Red is a romantic and esciting colour. Mijn tweede lied uit de serie van zeven
DONATE YOUR HAIR TO THE BIRDS! March 14, 2016April 1, 2016admin Comment Since about ten years, I cut my hair myself I throw them in theĀ garden and here you can see how usefulĀ this: is!
BIRDS in my neighbourhood March 13, 2016March 24, 2016admin Comment BIRDS I have a new telelens on my camera. So now I see the birds a lot better. In this video you will
My new song: SPRING! March 13, 2016March 24, 2016admin Comment When snowdrops fade away the cold And naked trees unfold A fresh green dress, a brand new start It’s than a warm feeling
Just started! March 12, 2016March 14, 2016admin 1 Welcome everybody on my new website. I have to get used to wordpress before you will be able to read, hear and see